Blog Launch

Hello,  I have started this blog to chronicle my thoughts, prayers and hope for those loyal to Jesus Christ in this world. It has become more clear to me that we are not of this world and need to consider ourselves more as citizens of God’s Kingdom more that citizens of America or of this world.  I pray this blog is used by God to benefit those of us fighting the good fight.

First Thoughts:

What makes people think they can make a decision and have it go unchallenged if they say, “I prayed about it”? God certainly speaks to those who follow Him, but never inconsistently nor in a way that would cause or spread confusion. God’s design is to draw us to Truth and those who can’t or wont justify their action consistent with the Bible have no right to use God to justify their own will.

I am surviving in this new world by this one thought, “I am not of this world”. Perhaps this turn of events will enable me to take my eternal citizenship more seriously from this point on. To begin then, let me say, “Fear not, citizens of earth. We come as ambassadors of your creator.”


In His Service,

Pastor Rob

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