When the Going Gets Tough

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

Never, Never, Never give up!” – Winston Churchill

Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something… ” – Sam, Lord of the Rings


Jesus Had Every Reason to Give Up

  • 3 years of Living with the hurting, an example of Love and forgiveness.
    • Opposition by those in power at EVERY turn

He said, “the works that the Father has given me to accomplish, the very works that I am doing, bear witness about me that the Father has sent me.” (John 5:36)

  • Ignored at best and hated at worst by many of those He came to save.
    • Suffering ridicule, insult, people taking advantage of his healing power
  • Arriving in Jerusalem to praises from people who yelled “Crucify Him” days later.
    • They beat Him, tortured and crucified Him. Laughing as He died.

He cried for them, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
(Luke 23:34)

Why didn’t He quit?  I would have. Why didn’t He abandon us to the sin we chose?

  • We were ALL guilty. We deserved what we put Him through. But He chose Grace.

However guilty we are, however wrong we have been, however worthless we may feel at times, God sees something good in us, and He was willing to fight and die for us.

He Gave Us Every Reason Not To Give Up!

Jesus told us how we can continue to fight the good fight, and finish our race.
Luke 14:25-35. The biggest reason we fail, give up for a time, or quit, is because we were not prepared for the effort it would take.

My fellow ambassadors, Jesus calls us to take up our cross if we are going to follow Him. NOT suffer a little, NOT put up with unlovely people, NOT deal with persecution, BUT to take our cross. We must be ready to die. We must willingly walk to our own death if God calls us to it. TOTAL COMMITMENT. “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, unless its hard…” (That’s not how the song goes!)

We must count the cost of following Him (and then NOT complain when it costs as much as He said it would). If anyone ever told you loving like Jesus loved would be easy, they LIED to you!

We must be CERTAIN that with God, all things are possible, or we will give up or surrender to those who oppose Him.

Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.”  – Nelson Mandela

Of His work, Jesus said, ‘It is Finished’ – Of Himself, He said He was the Bread of Life, the Living water. AND WE are the salt for all. Don’t Quit


Stay away from idols,

Pastor Rob

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